How Has Life Felt Since You Finished the Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Book Study?

What changes have you celebrated?

What have you become even more aware of?

What has surprised and delighted you?

Have you run into difficult circumstances around you?

What I’ve come to understand is the conditions around us are divinely designed

to inspire the next steps along our journey so that step by step we become the greatest version of ourselves.

The key to be aware of is when you fall back into old thinking and restrict or deprive yourself from what you intend.

Have the conditions around you caused you to unknowingly slip

back under the negative influence of unconscious habits of thought and behavior?

Check out this quick assessment so you can fully consider where you now stand.

If you conclude you’d like to deepen your awareness, I’d love to share time with you again

and I’d be honored to help you further your journey.

Which of the following statements are currently true for you:

  • I have thoughts that tell me I am not good enough.

  • My inner voice criticizes me.

  • I’ve lost some of the confidence I gained.

  • I hear myself using words like, “I can’t” or “I won’t”.

  • I’ve done something I’m ashamed of and I can’t seem to forgive myself.

  • I don’t have enough time to take care of me.

  • I do things I don’t really want to do.

  • I am not consistently meditating.

  • Underneath everyday feelings, I feel dissatisfied with my life.

Join me for a 6 week "Tune-Up"

To Reactive the Personal Wisdom You Received During the Book Study,

To Fully Recognize When Your Journey is Divinely Intended to Further Activate Habitual Thoughts & Behaviors

so that You Can Effectively Dismantle & Surrender Them to Your Divine Source,

To Create More Peaceful Progress Towards What You Intend!

This focused attention will elevate your personal ability to further master the surrender and creation process utilized in

Part 3 of Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza.

Embrace Your Intuitive Guidance with 7 Steps Group Coaching

A Supplement to the Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself Book Study

Starting June 19th, 2024 - Program Duration is 6 weeks

Wednesdays, 7:00 pm ET or Fridays at 8:00 am ET

A HerQuest Coaching Program

Choose the Best Payment Option for You

$40 Weekly

Two Payments of $120

One Payment of $240

For those who would appreciate a discounted fee, please reach out to Jodi to discuss how you can say yes to yourself.

Words of Encouragement from Women Who Came Before You

“Hesitation and procrastination

are truly self-sabotage.

Jodi’s ability to deliver truth with kindness sparked deep self-reflection, unlike much of the years I spent in therapy.

Thanks to Jodi, I’ve found my way home to self-love and growth and the journey keeps going well past our sessions."


“Jodi taught me to dive deeper into my own obstacles. I felt a sense of relief I was getting all of the stuff out of my head that had been keeping me stuck in life.

I didn’t know what was lurking there before, but I knew it needed to come out.

I am so grateful for saying yes to myself!"


“To me, having the small group and more 1 on 1 time with Jodi is so much more of a deep dive. I realized things I didn’t and would never have realized I was doing.

My life has started to change, things have started to happen, and I’m being blessed
beyond my belief.”
