Join the Next Book Study

Introduction Meeting Monday, August 26th, 2024

7:00pm Eastern

"I’ve been on this personal awareness journey for a while now, Jodi specifically helped me to...

raise my awareness of who I am, what my thought patterns are, and most importantly the power I have in making changes in my life and thinking that will directly result in the outcomes I want. I have always thought of myself as spiritually awakened but it really wasn't until I met Jodi that I gained so many more insights that really is bringing my game to the next level. I get up in the morning and start with positive thinking (it's going to be a great day, I am open to all possibilities and nothing will set me back). As I progress through my day and stressors arise that in the past may have started a negative thought pattern, I take an opportunity to step back, again embrace my power, and redirect to my can-do attitude. Working with Jodi and the Dr. Joe materials has helped me to really dig in and reflect. I am most grateful and you will be too :)"

~ Joanne

"A friend introduced me to Jodi's book club and I am so very grateful for this opportunity to help regain my inner peace! 

Learning how to be fully present through meditation, how to identify things that do not serve us, as well as learning how to let go of what holds us back has been an incredibly healing experience. From surviving to thriving and understanding that we all create our own worlds whether that be stressful or joyful, it all comes from within. 

Jodi's ongoing book study of Dr Joe Dispenza's work and how she beautifully incorporates personal experiences

as well as helping women by asking questions so intuitively and with ease, we learn immense awareness and how to conquer fears that hold us back. We begin to see new opportunities and learn to be in a state of creation without worrying about all the details. I will be forever changed, forever grateful!"
